We are pleased and proud to make available on our website an electronic version of the book ‘Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephela) and Tuart Communities’. You can download this entire book (13Mb) here. The book contains the following papers: THE DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION OF TUART AND THE COMMUNITY WITH WHICH IT LIVES by BJ Keighery, GJ Keighery […] → Continue Reading Tuart and Tuart Communities Book
Tuart woodlands and forests are being assessed for possible listing and protection as a nationally threatened ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Friends of Trigg Bushland support the listing and additional protections that such a listing would provide: PROPOSAL TO LIST TUART WOODLANDS AS A NATIONALLY THREATENED ECOLOGICAL COMMMUNITY […] → Continue Reading Tuart TEC Submission

“A Trigg environmental group claims to have found an ‘historic and rare’ species of native tree in dunes that could be cleared for the Scarborough redevelopment. Controversial road extensions through Bush Forever sites 310 and 308 were proposed for State Government’s $75 million Scarborough foreshore redevelopment to ease traffic congestion on West Coast Highway and […] → Continue Reading New TEC found in BFS308
Stirling Times 25/Jan/2011 “FRIENDS of Trigg Bushland president Peter Alcock says community vigilance is the most effective tool in protecting the 122ha Trigg Bushland Reserve. As summer reaches its peak, Mr Alcock has urged locals to keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour near the Class-A reserve. Several fires in past years and a growing […] → Continue Reading Become a bush spy
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