Trigg bushland tuart friends

tuart buds
Tuart buds

Meetings of members are held twice a year. A General Meeting is held in summer, and the Annual General Meeting is held during winter. There is generally a speaker of note as well as updates on weeding, guided walks, consultation with the City of Stirling, and special projects such as the website and Facebook.

Members are advised of details of the meetings in our 'members only' email newsletter.

Any interested person can attend to meet members and listen to the speaker. However, only members can vote at general meetings. Members are reminded that a family concession membership is entitled to only two votes.

Our most recent meeting was the Annual General Meeting on 30 July 2017 jointly hosted by the Friends of Star Swamp. Our speaker was David Pike. Amendments to our Constitution and a new Committee were approved at the AGM.

Our next General Meeting will be held 29th July, 2.30pm (speaker at 3.30pm), at the Henderson Centre in North Beach. Cathy Car will address members and visitors. Once again we will join with the Friends of Star Swamp Bushland to host our speaker and afternoon tea at the Henderson Environment Centre in North Beach (end of Groat St in Star Swamp). Free admission. General Meeting - all welcome (including non-members).

Information from previous speakers can often be found on our website.

Committee meetings are held regularly and are attended by office bearers as well as elected committee members where the ordinary business of the Friends of Trigg Bushland is discussed. Any financial member of the Friends of Trigg Bushland is welcome to attend a Committee meeting, although only office bearers and elected committee members can vote. The meeting is generally held at the home of one of the Committee members and is followed by coffee and conversation. Please contact the Friends to get details of the next Committee meeting should you wish to attend.



Website development funded by a Department of Environment and Conservation Community Grant for Tuart Conservation and Management. Text and images copyright Friends of Trigg Bushland Inc except as otherwise noted. Website design by Nina McLaren and Peter Peacock 2008